Saturday, January 31, 2009

it's a beautiful day

I woke up to blue skies and sunshine today. It was just one of those beautiful north Georgia winter days. There was no annoying alarm clock going off at 4 am. I actually slept 'til 9:00. Got up, had a leisurely shower. Went to Knitch to pick up my paycheck. Had a wonderful lunch with Doug at Everybody's Pizza. I've never been there before, and I'm definitely going back. Doug and I spent about 4 hours at the Peachtree Handspinners Guild meeting. Got to see some folks I haven't seen in a while, and had a great time. I meant to bring my camera, but forgot. (oh well) I came home to find Beth had cooked an extremely tasty chicken curry dish. I got all caught up on my TV shows I missed this past week, while at the same time executed a perfectly turned Fleegle Heel on my Socks that Rock sock. I would be hard pressed to imagine a more perfect day!

I didn't get weighed today. The weight loss is not going so well, and I really just did not want to see any numbers this morning. On a brighter note,
I think I've broken my own record for most blog posts in one month!


Knit Witch said...

Everybody's Pizza - YUMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!

Hockey Mom said...

I'm so glad the Fleegle is working for you! It fits so much better for me!

I wanted to go but it was #2's birthday.