OMG! I have a blog?
I completely forgot about this thing! I even missed my own blogiversary! (August 12th). I'm off work this week, so I hope to get caught up on a few thing around here, including reading everyone else's blogs!
Let's see..... what have I been doing?
I haven't knit another stitch on Cobblestone since I last blogged. I am off this week, so I hope to get some knitting done on that. Of course, now I'm just itching to knit the latest sweater I saw on Jared's blog; the Spiral Yoke Pullover. (too many projects started - not enough finished!) It would be SO comfy knit in Shepherd's Wool!I've been working on the entrelac sweater I designed, and I just can't seem to put it down. I find entrelac so fun and easy and satisfying to knit. If you haven't heard, I'm teaching an entrelac class at Knitch in September. My first teaching gig, so I'm a little nervous, but it should be lots of fun. I think there are still some spaces open, so what are you waiting for?!
I finished a beautiful scarf for the Men Who Knit scarf exchange. I used one strand of Shepherd's Wool, (Stonehenge Fiber Mill's super soft 100% merino available at Knitch) and one strand of Knit Picks Andean Silk (alpaca, silk, merino). It's a nice, soft, comfy, heavy scarf for my exchange pal that lives MUCH further north than I do. It has a wonderfully textured pattern. I sure hope he will enjoy it. I've got to get it in the mail this week.
Chuck has mostly been sitting idle in the corner, as I have not been spinning as much as I would like. I know I need to get in more practice if I want to be as good as Doug! I need to make the time for it, as I find it very peaceful and relaxing to spin. I still have another Mach 1 available, if you know anyone who's interested........ (more shameless self-promotion)
I'm leaving on Thursday for my annual family reunion in Parkersburg, WV, so I'll see you in September!
Wonderful knitting pix - and I wanted to give you grief on my blog today for not blogging in forevaaaa. You smelled that, didn't you???
We should do a spiral yoke KAL ! !
Good to see you back and happy blogiversary.
Thanks for helping me out with the skein from h*ll yesterday. Had a falling down and bought two skeins of the Casbah. They are keeping me company this morning. See you soon...
Get to blogging! Knit Witch and I had a great time with you and the rest of the "gang"! Let's do it again! I am already looking forward to SAFF next year. Who woulda thought I would enjoy the yarn lovers world so much! Haha!
You have got to tell me where you got the sheep hat. It's so funny!!
Miss reading your blog. Hope you'll be writing again soon.
If you still remember you have a blog today ( ;-) ), hopefully you're contemplating a post about your sheep-with-balls hat. Someone posted a picture of it on Ravelry, and it's absolutely hilarious!
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